Presidential Success and the World Economy

Economic voting is a widely accepted regularity in the political science literature, yet most work on the subject either assumes that economic performance is a direct result of policy making or...

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O objetivo deste artigo é mostrar como o desempenho da economia influencia o ambiente político, em especial como as crises explicam as rupturas e as reformas. Para isso, alguns modelos analíticos conhecidos serão aplicados no estudo de caso do impeachment e da adoção de uma agenda de reformas em 2016.
When a decision is reached by voting or is arrived at by a group all of whose members are not in complete accord, there is no part of economic theory which applies. This paper is intended to help fill this gap; to provide a type of reasoning which will contribute to the development of the theory of trade unions, the firm, and the cartel; and to provide the basis for a theory of the equilibrium distribution of taxation or of public expenditure.
Macroeconomic populism is an approach to economics that emphasizes growth and income distribution and deemphasizes the risks of inflation and deficit finance, external constraints and the reaction of economic agents to aggressive non-market policies.

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